Early July: Bull Talker Starts Making Sh*%t Up and We Eat Corn Chowder
Food Mood: Sausage Corn Chowder Equals Carb Comfort Reno Ridiculouso: Well Let’s Just Throw Everything Out the Window Then! So, a recap: Pit dug, cistern removed Block Laid. Not squarely as it turns out. “It’s really hard to get things square!” Says Bull Talker Contractor. Stage Carpenter Hubby looks at him blankly and elects not to speak. It’s mostly square. Sort of. Gravel put in and tamped, floor joists laid on dining room and back entry From the beginning we have had our Architect on this project, because, well, it’s kinda’ big. Generally speaking the way it works with architects is that they give you drawings, you give them to your contractor and then he/she follows them, for the most part, with the occasional adjustment for onsite conditions. Unless, of course, you’re Bull Talker and then you use them more as a jumping off point, an inspiration, a muse as it were. Because the new add...