Biblical Plagues and the Doors Part Three

Food Mood : Steak Salad, ‘Cause I needs my energy for this b&^lsh*%t Reno Ridiculouso : Little to Report It’s now the last week in August and we’re still in limbo. Bull Talker Contractor has come back and said he’ll return to the job but won’t take down the work that he’s done (reminder, beams laid the wrong way, walls to high). The Architect and The Engineer have come up with a safe way to attach the current structure and stabilize it without taking it down. But we aren’t happy. Bull Talkers random decision making has led to the destruction of our daughters back yard view. And, frankly, we aren’t sure that we can put up with working with him anymore. But it’s Toronto and you don’t fire contractors lightly because it took us six months just to find him in the first place. Side Rant: Anyone else in the Big Smoke noticing that this lack of contractors and excess of work lets contracting companies get away with the...