Buttering Up Beef Ribs and Bloody Doors
Food Mood - Conciliatory towards the Hubby (ie, buttering up) Reno Ridiculouso: Son of a #$%? The Doors again!!!! Yeah. Hubby chose the wrong door. Just… I can’t even. Yeah. We needed a left inward opening and he chose a right inward opening. Now, to be fair, in order to even write that correctly I had to stand up, pretend that I was approaching our door and reinact the way that it would open to remember the correct version. But for some odd reason I’ve always been able to do this and get it correct. And, even more strangely, the Hubby who has impeccable spatial sense, years of experience and wicked instincts, just can not get this one through his head. So the first time that I open the door I pause. I note that it’s opening in such a way that you to go in and close it you end up with your back to a open staircase to the basement, and to go out you end up standing on the heating vent. Yep. Instead of the d...