Shut the Damned Door, Or, THE END!

Food Mood: Celebratory So we are so close to done but there are sooooooo many permits still open. We start trying to get them closed which is one hell of a mountain to climb. The Hubby and the Kiddo go on a mini vacation out west and I power through the powder room, painting every last crack of that beloved beadboard (still better than drywalling. STILL. BETTER.). When the Hubby returns he pushes through laying the tiny little black tiles and puts in the sink and toilet. Done. We call the plumbing inspector and he comes and he loves it all. HA! HAD YOU THERE DIDN’T I? Nope. That is just not how we roll here at What A Crock, it must be a Crock from beginning to end. We fail the inspection because there’s no door on the bathroom. We try to explain that we’re weirdo nudists and that’s how we like our bathrooms, but he’s having none of it. Apparently you can’t pass a plumbing inspec...