Death By Doors and Smoked Salmon Sandwiches

Food Mood :Treatin’ Myself to some smoked salmon and mostly not cookin’ Reno Ridiculouso : The doors and windows and the…. Oh for F’s sake! Why the bleep is nothing straightforward????? Ok, so the title might have given away that I’m feeling much less serene than last post. Cool Contractor worked fast and efficient and got all the walls and roof up and we’re ready for windows and doors, which thankfully have been onsite for about three weeks. And that’s when we realize that every door and window that has arrived is wrong. Not just a little bit wrong, dramatically, ridiculously wrong. The Hubby goes back to the big box company from which they were ordered and…. Yep. They agree that the doors and windows were definitely manufactured wrong. Yep. Sorry man. We’ll order you new ones, should take about three weeks. Ok. Right. So I get that people make mistakes and I’m trying to be cool and the Hubby is...