Christmas Crap... With Cookies

Reno Ridiculouso: Mudding and Taping forever.  Boring but true

Food Mood: cookies from a tube. Shut up!  No one asked you.

When the calendar rolls over into December I have this sudden horrible realization. We have no space for a Christmas tree.  To be clear: I love Christmas!  Like capital L LOVE it.  I love baking cookies and wrapping gifts. I’m one of those jerks who starts shopping in June so never feels stressed about what to get people.  I cut my Christmas boughs to decorate outside at my parents house… at Thanksgiving!  That’s how much I preplan and love it. 
But what I love most is sitting with a book on the couch by the Christmas tree, dreaming and reading. I have an ornament from every year of my life and my daughters and each one means something to me.  Some memorialize people who died that year, some are about beloved hobbies (figure skates, violins), and some just are sooo ugly and make no sense at all.  But I love them all. 

And there is just no way in hell that we have room in the studio kitchen/living room for a Christmas tree too.  Nope.  Not gonna happen.

When these moments come with me there are two ways I can go.  We stand at the crossroads here between freaking out on my Hubby about “how ridiculous this is and how in god’s name did we get here and I never wanted to do this damned things anyways….” And laughing.  I chose laughter and problem solving cause honestly people the other way is just too damned dark and it’s just a bloody tree!  (I tell myself).

I quietly begin to plot and plan how Christmas in Construction might look.  More on that later.  For now, eat some cookies!
Lazy Cookies (you didn’t really think that I was going to bake in the studio kitchen did you?  Phew!  Me neither)
Open Pillsbury cookies of your choice: I prefer chocolate chip but The Kiddo hates chocolate so sugar cookies it is
Slice or dollop them
Bake them in your toaster oven in liiiiittle tiiiiiny batches of goodness
decorate them with icing from a tube
The end


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