Drywall Like a Boss

Food Mood- Crockpot Soup, the definition of easy

Reno Ridiculouso= Reno Repeativo (I know it’s not a word.  Neither was ridiculouso. Man, you guys are getting’ so judgey!  Maybe it’s because we’ve been at this for nine months)

Ya know what’s easy? Trimming the caulking off of window frames and taping seams of drywall.  Ya know what’s hard? Everything else to do with drywall.  Let’s list that shall we? Why not?
  •      Mixing up the mud with the hawk (that is the word, right?) and the scrapery thing (not the word)
  •      Laying the mud along the seam, super smooth but with enough coverage that it’s worth your time.  But not too much coverage or your wasting the mud ‘cause you’ll just sand it off
  •   Waiting for the mud to dry.  Oh, right.  This project is so big that’s there’s almost never any waiting.  The minute we finish one round of mud we’re ready to go back and sand the beginning
  •  Sanding.  We try by hand, with a fancy spinner thing attached to a vaccum (I’m not strong enough to apply the pressure necessary), with varying levels of paper… blah, blah, blah
  •     Realizing the whole thing is Sisyphean and yet, beginning again, three or four times
Yep, so that’s January.  On the upside, I introduce the Hubby to an awful lot of super funny podcasts.  We geek out on Answer Me This, and Stuff You Should Know and No Such Thing as a Fish, long into the night every night.  We are technically in a whole other house from the Kiddo so we set up the baby monitor so we can hear her, go out the front door, lock it, walk around to the back door (yeah, door!) open it, set up the baby monitor and get to work. 

Ham Soup
Any ham leftovers that you have, preferably with a bone with pieces left on it for added flavour.  We often buy those bigs spiral hams and then freeze half for futures.
Six cups of water
One onion chopped
Two bay leafs
Three medium potatoes, cut to medium size
Cook it all in the crockpot for eight hours
In the last hour take out the bay leafs and put in about a cup and a half of frozen corn or a mix of peas and corn if you like.  Turn back on for another hour
If you used the ham bone, pull it out let it cool a bit, strip the ham off it and throw it back in, toss the bone.  It’s done it’s work!  😊


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